Home Town: Ratsherrn

In the heart of Hamburg, we blend brewing history with spirit... This is our home, and it means the world to us. We started here, we come from here, our hearts beat here. This place has everything to do with our sense of who we are. We are dedicated to an already 1000-year-old history and craft of Brewing in Hamburg—though not just any old conventions. We love authentic craft and we love diversity.

As early as the 12th century, the port city was known as the “Brewery of the Hanseatic League”. In those days beer was a vital trade good. In the heart of the city, in the Schanzenhöfen, craft is once again front and center. We rolled up our sleeves here and set to work on what was initially quite battered ground.

First built – then brewed. The Ratsherrn awakened on this site with a deep hunger for experience. The best ingredients combine with a brewmaster's enthusiasm: from the preparation of the mash, through the entire fermentation process to filling the kegs. We want to inspire you with our range of characterful beers—time and time again. We, the people of Ratsherrn, love beer—and we love our city. We strive to ensure that you will feel, taste and experience the same. We want to be clear where that comes from and who is behind it. We do, and we are on our way.

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